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Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR)
TC = Technical Certificate
CP = Certificate of Proficiency

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) TC = Technical Certificate<br>CP = Certificate of Proficiency
The heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) technology program provides students with the opportunity to obtain skills that will prepare them for jobs ranging from semi-skilled workers who perform the operation and maintenance tasks, to plant superintendents who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of mechanical systems that may cost millions of dollars. The refrigeration and air condition industry field is so broad that no one could encompass it. This is why students seeking a career in this field should acquire the primary education that will form a solid foundation for the technical education required to qualify for a good job in the HVACR industry.

Program Outcomes

  • Be qualified to gain employment in the HVACR field.
  • Be qualified to gain employment at a higher starting salary. 
  • Take and pass a total of 13 ESCO Employment Ready Exams.
  • Students gain a basic understanding of air conditioning and refrigeration materials and air distribution.

Related Careers

  • Duct installation
  • Maintenance
  • Commercial or residential installations
  • Minor appliance repair

Virtual Tour

HVACR Program


Brad Cooper | HVAC Instructor
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