Academic Courses & Programs
Term | Meaning |
ACCT | Accounting |
ACR | Air Conditioning |
AGEC | Agricultural Economics |
AGED | Agricultural Education |
AGRI | Agriculture |
ANSC | Animal Science |
ART | Art |
AST | Automotive Technology |
BIOL | Biological Science |
BOT | Botany |
BSYS | Business Systems |
BUAD | Business Administration |
BUS | Business |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CIS | Computer Information Systems |
CMT | Computerized Machining Technology |
COM | Career Communications |
CRIM | Criminology |
CST | Computer Systems & Networking Technology |
CTE | Career Education Internship |
DST | Diesel Technology |
ECH | Early Childhood |
ECON | Economics |
EDU | Education |
EGR | Engineering Technology |
EGT | Computer Aided Drafting & Design | Engineering Graphics Technology |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
ENG | English |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship |
ESCI | Environmental Science |
FIN | Finance |
FREN | French |
GEOG | Geology |
HIA | Health Informaion Technology |
HIST | History |
HLTH | Health |
HORT | Horticulture |
HUM | Humanities |
IET | Industrial Technology |
JDAT | John Deere Agriculture Equipment Technology |
LAW | Law |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nursing |
MAR | Marine Technology |
MATH | Mathematics |
MGMT | Management |
MLT | Medical Laboratory Technology |
MSL | Military Science & Leadership |
MUS | Music |
NRSG | Registered Nursing |
PCT | Patient Care Technician |
PE | Physical Education |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHSC | Physical Science |
PHT | Pharmacy Technology |
PHYS | Physics |
POSC | Political Science |
POUL | Poultry Science |
PSSC | Plant & Soil Science |
PST | Power Sports Technology |
PSY | Psychology |
SOC | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPCH | Speech |
SPED | Special Education |
SW | Social Work |
THE | Theater |
UNIV | University | Principles of Academic Success |
VET | Veterinary Technology |
WELD | Welding |
ZOOL | Zoology | Anatomy & Physiology |
Assessments & Accreditations
Term | Meaning |
ADHE | Arkansas Division of Higher Education |
ASE | Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation | program accreditor for Automotive Technology |
ASHP | American Society of Health-System Pharmacists | program accreditor for Pharmacy Technician Science |
ATMAE | Association of Technology, Management & Applied Engineering | program accreditor for Agriculture Equipment Technology, CADD & CSNT |
AVMA | American Veterinary Medical Association | program accreditor for Veterinary Technology |
CoAEMSP | Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Profession | program accreditor for EMS |
CVTEA | Committee on Veterinary Technician Education & Activities | program accreditor for Veterinary Technology |
HLC | Higher Learning Commission | institutional accreditor |
NAACLS | National Accrediting Ageny for Clinical Laboratory Sciences | program accreditor for MLT |
NACEP | National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships | accreditor for concurrent enrollment |
NCCER | National Center for Construction Education & Research | program accreditor for Welding Technology |
NIMS | National Institute of Metalworking Skills | program accreditor for Computerized Machining Technology |
SSC | Student Success Council |
SSO | Student Success Outcomes |
Classrooms & Buildings
Term | Meaning |
A | Auditorium/Theater | in the Owen Center building |
AC | Academic Building | on the Heber Springs campus |
ACR | HVACR Building | on the Searcy campus |
AT | Agriculture Equipment Technology/John Deere |
AUTO | Automotive Technology Building | on the Searcy campus |
BA | Business & Agriculture |
BB | Beulah Bloodworth (Nursing) Building | on the Searcy campus |
DT | Diesel Technology Building | on the Seary campus |
EC | England Center |
FM | Farm |
HC | Howell Center |
IT | Industrial Technology Building | on the Searcy campus |
LC | Latimer Center |
LRAFB | Little Rock Air Force Base |
MB | Main Building | on the Searcy campus |
OC | Owen Center |
PS | Power Sports Technology Building | on the Searcy campus |
SB | Science Building |
SC | Student Center |
T | Advanced Technology & Allied Health |
TE | Technology East | on the Searcy campus |
TW | Technology West | on the Searcy campus |
UC | A-State University Center |
VT | Veterinary Technology |
WLD | Welding Technology Building | on the Searcy campus |
Degrees & Certificates
Term | Meaning |
AA | Associate of Arts |
AALA | Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts |
AAS | Associate of Applied Science |
AFA | Associate of Fine Arts |
AGS | Associate of General Studies |
AS | Associate of Science |
ASLAS | Associate of Science in Liberal Arts & Sciences |
CP | Certificate of Proficiency |
TC | Technical Certificate |
Titles & Offices
Term | Meaning |
AP | Accounts Payable |
AVC | Associate Vice Chancellor |
CAO | Chief Academic Officer |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CSAO | Chief of Students Affairs/Services Officer |
FA | Financial Aid |
HR | Human Resources |
IA | Institutional Advancement |
IE | Institutional Effectiveness |
IR | Institutional Research |
ITS | Information Technology Services |
PC | Program Coordinator |
RCC | Regional Career Center |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SSS | Student Support Services |
VA | Office of Veteran Affairs |
VCA | Vice Chancellor of Academics |
VCFA | Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration |
Term | Meaning |
2+2 | Transfer Agreement |
ACC | Arkansas Community Colleges |
ACH | Automated Clearing House |
ACTS | Arkansas Course Transfer System |
AD | Active Directory |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADHE | Arkansas Division of Higher Education |
ADWS | Arkansas Department of Workforce Services | also known as DWS |
AHECB | Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
AP | Advanced Placement Credit |
ArkACRAO | Arkansas Association of College Registrars & Admissions Officers |
ArSAA | Arkansas Student Affairs Association |
ATIXA | Association of Title IX Administrators |
AUX | Auxiliary |
AY | Academic Year |
BCM | Banner Communications Manager |
BOT | Board of Trustees |
BOV | Board of Visitors |
BYOD | Bring Your Own Device |
CCAMPIS | Child Care Means Parents in School Grant |
CCSSE | Community College Survey of Student Engagement |
CE | Continuing Education |
CEUs | Continuing Education Units |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CLEP | College Level Examination Prep |
CRM | Customer Relations Management | software for Element 451 |
CTE | Career Technical Education |
CUPA-HR | College & University Professional Association for Human Resource |
DANTES | U.S. Department of Defense's Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support |
DEI | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion |
DFA | Department of Finance & Administration |
DHS | Arkansas Department of Human Services |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
DPS | Distributed Purchasing System |
DSST | DANTES Subject Standardized Test |
DW | Degree Works |
EAP | Employment Assistance Program |
ED | Department of Education |
EDC | Employee Development Committee |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ESA | Emotional Support Animal |
ESL | English as Second Language |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FOAP | Funds Organization Account Program |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FSA | Flexible Spending Account |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
FWS | Federal Work Study |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAD | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
GED | General Educational Development |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
HD | Hard Drive |
HEA | Higher Education Act |
HEERF | Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding |
HIPPA | Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act |
HLC | Higher Learning Commission |
HSA | Health Savings Acount |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP/S | Hypertext Protocol/Secure |
IP | Internet Protocol Address |
IPEDS | Integrated Post-Secondary Data System |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
LMS | Learning Management System | Canvas |
LOU | Letter of Understanding |
LTD | Long-Term Disability |
M365 | Microsoft 365 |
MFA | Multifactor Authentification |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NACEP | National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships |
NCMPR | National Council for Marketing & Public Relations |
NISOD | National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development |
OS | Operating System |
OSHA | Occupational Safety & Health Administration |
P-Card | Procurement Card |
PC | Personal Computer |
PD | Professional Development |
PLA | Prior Learning Assessment |
PO | Purchase Order |
POE | Power Over Ethernet |
PTK | Phi Theta Kappa | National Community College Student Honor Society |
QIF | Quality Improvement Funds |
QR Code | Quick Response Code |
RA | Resident Assistant |
RCC | Regional Career Center |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RSO | Registered Student Organization |
SA | Service Animal |
SAB | Student Activities Board |
SEVIS | Student & Exchange Visitor Program |
SGA | Student Government Association |
SGC | Shared Governance Council |
SHRM | Society for HR Management |
SIS ID | Student Information System Identification |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SSCH | Student Semester Credit Hours |
SSD | Solid State Drive |
SSI | Student Satisfaction Inventory | Noel-Levitz Survey |
SSN | Social Security Number |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
SSS | Student Support Services |
STEAM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math |
STREAM | Science, Technology, Engineering & Math |
STREAM | Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts & Math |
SWOT | Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats |
T-Card | Travel Card |
TA | Travel Authorization |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TR-1 | Travel Reimbursement Form |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
VOS | Vanguard One Stop |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |