The Advising and Learning Centers on the Beebe, Heber Springs and Searcy campuses staff professional academic tutors to assist students with various subjects.
Tutoring Services
- Walk-in Tutoring – Meet with a professional or student tutor at one of our centers.
- Weekly Study Groups – Each semester, study groups for popular subjects are held weekly with the assistance of a professional tutor.
- 24/7 Online Tutoring – Students have free access to through any Canvas course. Students can receive help with over 250 subjects online at any time.
- Online Tutoring Lab – Students can make appointments or connect with an ASU-Beebe tutor by visiting the online tutoring lab in Canvas.
- Open Computer Lab and Study Area – Visit one of our centers for a quiet place to study.
- Textbook & Calculator Rental - Students may check-out calculators and available textbooks while working in the Advising and Learning Center.