How to Reset Microsoft Password
ITS Vision: To make the College's technology a key resource for our users.
ITS Mission: Arkansas State University-Beebe provides stable, integrated, and innovative technology solutions to support teaching, learning, research, and service within our growing and changing environment. In addition, the College empowers individuals to seek better ways to utilize technology in their work and take ownership of improving their processes.
ITS Principles: Dedication, transparency, data-driven, consistency, teamwork, responsiveness, and communication.
Information Technology Strategic Plan
2020-2023 Information Technology Services Strategic Plan
ASU-Beebe ITS Rules, Processes and Procedures
ASUB ITS Rules, Processes and Procedures describe to the campus communities how ITS functions.
Educational Technology Standards
This policy defines the standards for technology used within classrooms and other learning spaces on all of ASU-Beebe's campuses. Click here to view ASU-Beebe's Educational Technology Standards.
International Travel/Export Control
Individuals sometimes take information, technology and equipment when planning a trip abroad. However, faculty, staff and students need to be aware of the impact of export control regulations when traveling internationally. If you will be traveling internationally, please review and complete the following forms: International Travel and Export Controls Overview and International Travel Data Security Questionnaire. The completed questionnaire should be submitted to