Welcome to Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources utilizes a stewardship philosophy by providing quality, customer-driven human resources to its stakeholders. Our office strives to be well-versed in employee policies and procedures, employee recruitment, benefits administration, wellness, health and safety, and employee development that promotes a work environment that attracts and inspires excellence in our employees.
Teri Roper | Director of Human Resources
- Employee Development Coordinator
- Employee Relations
- Position Control
- ASUB Procedures
- Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Tamara Cloud | Employee Recruitment/Benefits Coordinator
- Employee Recruitment
- Search Committee Assistance
- Inventory
- Budget Reports
- Reporting
- General Benefits
Donna Thompson Carr | Benefits Specialist
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Time and Leave Entry
- FMLA Coordinator
- Benefit Fair Coordinator
- Full-Time Employee Orientation