Emergency Situations
Be aware of your surroundings. Knowing where you are and what is happening around you can help you to understand how information, events and your own actions will impact your safety and your ability to protect yourself, both now and in the near future.
Protect yourself. Assess the situation and use your best judgment to protect yourself and others.
Help others. Once you are safely away from danger, warn others of the hazard and help if you can without putting yourself at risk of danger.
Call for help. Any emergency service can be reached by calling 911.
Reporting Emergencies
An emergency is any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police, firemen or emergency medical services. Some examples of emergencies are crimes in progress, any kind of fire, or a serious injury or illness. If you are not sure if an incident falls into an emergency classification, feel free to call 911 when an immediate response is needed. Campus police can be reached at 501.882.8851. Dial 8851 from a campus phone.
When Calling:
- Stay on the line with the 911 dispatcher.
- Provide the address, location, building or room number and a description of the emergency.
- Provide the phone number at your location.
- Provide a thorough description of the incident to assure appropriate resources are dispatched.
Campus Emergencies
Call 911 for emergencies. Dial 9911 when using a campus phone.
Campus Police | Beebe | 501.882.8851
Campus Police | Searcy | 501.207.6240
Campus Police | Heber Springs | 501.362.1234
Facilities Management | Physical Plant | 501.882.4526
Safety & Emergency Management | 501.882.4469
Public Statements
Statements to the news media will be made by the ASU-Beebe Office of Public Relations in coordination with appropriate emergency officials. Statements to family members will be made by the Office of Human Resources for employees or the Office of Student Affairs for students.
Employment, Purchasing, Contracting
There are no provisions for suspension of state laws in an emergency. The ranking university official on the scene shall attempt to comply with laws if possible and shall maintain records where threat to life and property require extraordinary action.