Steps to Enroll
Concurrent Enrollment Application
First-time students participating in the program must complete the Online ASU-Beebe Concurrent Enrollment Application and indicate that they are current high school students taking concurrent classes.
Concurrent Enrollment Policy Form
Students must also complete the Concurrent Enrollment and Policy Form before the beginning of every semester in which they will be enrolled in concurrent classes. The form will need to be signed by the student, parent or guardian, and the high school counselor, principal, or designee.
- The student must have completed the eighth grade and be enrolled in an accredited public or private secondary school or homeschool.
- Concurrent enrollment students are only allowed to take freshman and/or sophomore-level courses approved through and included in the ASU-Beebe Catalog. The general education courses offered for concurrent credit are listed in the ASU-Beebe online catalog, the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-General Education courses taught by ASU-Beebe as part of a certificate program in the current Academic Catalog.
- Students must meet all course prerequisite requirements per the ASU-Beebe online catalog.
- The student's high school counselor, principal, or designee must approve the specific courses and the number of hours the student desires to enroll each semester by signing the Concurrent Enrollment Policy/Parent Consent Form.
- The student must submit a Concurrent Enrollment Policy/Parent Consent Form showing they are in good standing at their high school and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, along with qualifying ACT or Accuplacer scores. The student's counselor, principal, or high school designee must sign the Concurrent Enrollment Policy/Consent Form.
- The student must provide placement test scores (ACT or Accuplacer) indicating that they meet the minimum requirement established for the course or program. High school students must have the following scores to enroll in general education concurrent enrollment courses.
Required Test Scores
Class Type
Reading - 19
Math - 19
Reading - 253
Math QAS - 250
English & Literature
Reading - 19
English - 19Reading - 253
Writeplacer - 5 or Writing - 255General Education
Reading - 19
Reading - 253
The Next Generation Accuplacer exam is offered by appointment only on all ASU-Beebe campuses. You can find information regarding Accuplacer testing on our Testing Services website or by contacting the desired ASU-Beebe campus location or the Office of Concurrent Enrollment. - ASU-Beebe does not allow secondary school students to enroll in remedial/developmental education courses for concurrent credit. Remedial/developmental education courses cannot be used to meet the high school or university core subject area/unit requirements in English or math.
- A concurrently enrolled student will be classified as non-degree seeking and will not be eligible for federal financial aid.
- The student must complete the ASU-Beebe Concurrent Enrollment Policy/Parent Consent Form for each semester/term of enrollment.
- Students are responsible for the payment of their tuition for concurrent courses and for the purchasing of the textbook (unless textbooks are supplied by the high school).
If I am the parent/guardian of a student, can ASU-Beebe discuss my student's grades or tuition bill with me directly?
Information related to a student's concurrent enrollment may be released to the parent/guardian who has signed their student enrollment form and provided their contact information.
Can I take remedial courses concurrently?
ASU-Beebe does not allow secondary school students to enroll in remedial/developmental education courses for concurrent credit. Remedial/developmental education courses cannot be used to meet the high school or university core subject area/unit requirements in English or math.
Will my concurrent classes be transferable to colleges other than ASU-Beebe?
Any general education class taken concurrently with ASU-Beebe will be transferrable to all public colleges and universities in Arkansas. Private colleges in the state also accept most classes, but students should contact the Registrar's Office of any private colleges they are considering before enrolling.
With the Arkansas Department of Higher Education's Course Transfer System (ACTS), students can view how general education courses transfer from and to the various Arkansas public colleges and universities. Using this information, students, parents, and school personnel can select an institution from the list provided and view how courses transfer. Some majors will have different requirements or may substitute courses for their program. Most institutions require a letter grade of "C" or better for transfer.
How do I transfer my classes to other colleges?
After graduating high school, students must order a transcript from the National Student Clearinghouse by visiting the Registrar's Office.
What if my high school doesn't teach concurrent classes with ASU-Beebe?
Students may still enroll in classes for concurrent credit either online or on one of ASU-Beebe's campuses if permitted by their school counselor. Students who wish to take concurrent classes that attend a non-partner high school will also need to complete the Concurrent Enrollment Verification form in addition to the Concurrent Enrollment Policy/Parent Consent form.
How much does it cost?
Concurrent Enrollment tuition rate is $125 per course when the following criteria are met:
- The course is a general education course in the ASU-Beebe Academic Catalog, also listed on the Arkansas Course Transfer Systems (ACTS).
- The course is a non-general education course taught by ASU-Beebe as part of a certificate program offered by ASU-Beebe in the current Academic catalog.
- The course must be used to fulfill a high school graduation requirement.
Courses not meeting these criteria will be charged full ASU-Beebe tuition and fees.
The concurrent tuition rate may be subject to change pending legislative and/or institutional policy changes.
How do I pay my concurrent tuition?
The student can bring a check for their tuition to their high school during registration day. ASU-Beebe staff will accept their payment after scheduling classes for the student.
Students may pay at the Cashier's Office on one of our college campuses.
Students or parents may call the ASU-Beebe Business Office and pay over the phone with their credit card information.
Students can pay their tuition in full via Banner Self-Service or set up a payment plan. Instructions for paying through the Banner Self-Service are available on the Cashier's Office webpage.
Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Scholarship funds may be available if you meet eligibility requirements. Check with the Concurrent Enrollment Office before making payments.
What is the difference between concurrent enrollment and AP classes?
In a concurrent class, college credit is conferred based on your cumulative effort in the class, and a letter grade is added to your ASU-Beebe transcript. In AP courses, students must pass a standardized test at the end of the year to determine if they will be awarded college credit. Each college and university accepts different AP scores.
Can I drop a concurrent course?
Students taking concurrent classes can withdraw or drop from a class and will follow the same procedures and deadlines as a regularly enrolled ASU-Beebe student. Concurrent students may be refunded their paid concurrent tuition if they submit their refund drop form to the Office of Concurrent Enrollment by the drop date listed in the ASU-Beebe Academic Calendar.
Can I use ASU-Beebe's Student Services as a Concurrent Student?
Yes, all students taking concurrent classes are guaranteed access to ASU-Beebe's library, tutoring center, advising offices, and other student services on campus.
What if I have a question that is not answered here?
Please do not hesitate to contact our office!
Is the Arkansas Concurrent Challenge scholarship available for summer courses?
No. The scholarship is only available for Fall & Spring Terms.
Will students need to apply for the scholarship?
No. Students will not be required to apply. A roster will be submitted to ADHE for approval of funds.
Who qualifies for the scholarship?
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors taking endorsed concurrent credit courses whose high schools are partnered with ASU-Beebe.
What other requirements are needed for the scholarship?
Students must:
1. Be an Arkansas resident or the child of an Arkansas resident.
2. Have an academic success plan on file with the high school counseling office.
How will I know I received the scholarship?
Awarded scholarship funds can be viewed on your Banner Self-Service Student account page.
How do I retain scholarship eligibility?
Students must complete the current semester and receive a minimum college grade point average of 2.5.
What happens if I don't receive the scholarship?
Students will be responsible for paying their concurrent tuition if Concurrent Challenge Scholarship funds are unavailable or if they do not meet the established eligibility requirements.
ASU-Beebe will notify students within the same semester if there is a balance owed for tuition and advise of payment options.
How many courses does the scholarship cover?
The award amount is $125 for up to (2) eligible concurrent courses per semester. The concurrent courses must be taken to fulfill high school graduation requirements.
What courses are eligible for the scholarship?
A General Education course in the ASU-Beebe Academic Catalog, also listed on the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS), or a non-General Education Course taught by ASU-Beebe as part of a certificate program offered by ASU-Beebe in the current Academic Catalog.
What if I have a question that is not answered here?
Please do not hesitate to contact our office!