What certifications do I need to teach concurrent enrollment courses?
High school concurrent instructors must have their Master's Degree with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate-level credit in the subject they wish to teach. This includes a Master's degree in the subject area or additional hours earned after their Master's degree has been conferred if the original degree is not within the subject an instructor wishes to teach.
Do I have to use the same textbook as ASU-Beebe?
No, but you will need to have your textbook approved by your faculty liaison via the textbook approval form in the Faculty Handbook.
Do I need to enter grades into Banner Self-Service?
Yes, but you are only required to enter mid-term and final grades through Banner Self-Service. You may contact the Office of Concurrent Enrollment for instructions.
Does it matter what type of final test I give for the course?
Final exams must follow the course philosophy requirement. Certain courses have department-issued final exams administered in all course sections, including concurrent course sections taught on a high school campus. Your Faculty Liaison will provide you with any department-issued exam materials.
How do I determine who will be my faculty liaison to the ASU-Beebe campus?
Please get in touch with the Concurrent Enrollment Office Coordinator for your faculty liaison's contact.
What if I have other questions that are not answered here?
Please contact the Coordinator of the Concurrent Enrollment Office.
Will I need to submit official transcripts and ACT scores for students planning to enroll in concurrent classes?
The ASU-Beebe campus management software requires official test scores to be entered into students' records before the Office of Concurrent Enrollment is able to add courses to their schedule folder.
Since concurrent students are non-degree seeking, official transcripts are not required as part of the concurrent enrollment process unless proof of pre-requisite satisfaction is required for an individual course (e.g., General Chemistry I (CHEM1014) requires students to have passed high school Chemistry with a grade of "C" or better).
Submission of official transcripts is not discouraged; however, it will allow your students to expediently apply to attend ASU-Beebe after their high school graduation date.
What is ACT 1118?
Passed by the Arkansas Legislature in the spring 2017 session, ACT 1118 mandates that a "national school lunch student, as defined in § 6-20-2303, shall not be required to pay any of the costs up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours of endorsed concurrent enrollment courses" when the courses are "taught on the grounds of the public school district in which the student is enrolled; and by a teacher employed by the public school district in which the student is enrolled."
The Arkansas Department of Higher Education has clarified that the "maximum of six (6) credit hours" is for the entirety of a student's high school career. Once a student has earned six (6) credit hours, they subsequently become responsible for the tuition costs for any additional credit hours in which they enroll.
The school district must pay for the tuition for ACT 1118 students; however, a provision was also made for colleges to implement cost-sharing measures. ASU-Beebe currently has such a cost-sharing measure available for school districts wishing to partner with our college.
ACT 1118 is only applicable for use with "endorsed concurrent classes." A list of these courses is available here. Only courses listed in black font are eligible for ACT 1118.
How should students register for their courses?
ASU-Beebe offers on-site registration for your students. Our staff will travel to your high school campus to pick up your students' forms, transcripts & scores, and tuition checks and schedule their classes. Counselors and teachers will only need to ensure that students have filled out the online application and completed the appropriate forms before the registration date.
What if a student is absent on the registration date?
We ask that counselors scan and email an absent student's policy form and test scores directly to our office before the conclusion of the late registration period for the semester. Documents may be sent to concurrent@asub.edu.
Please refer to the ASU-Beebe Academic Calendar for final registration deadlines.
What if I have other questions that are not answered here?
Please contact the Coordinator of the Concurrent Enrollment Office.