Active Shooter
Run | Evacuate if possible.
Fight | Take action to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter | Last resort to be used only when your life is in imminent danger.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Make sure it is safe to leave the area you are in. Use your eyes and ears to determine if it is safe to run.
- Leave your belongings behind. Do not go back for anything.
- Keep your hands visible.
- Once in a safe place, call 911 and give detailed information about what is happening. Do not assume that someone else has already called the police.
- If in a classroom or other securable area, stay in the room and immediately lock and barricade the door with whatever is available, such as desks, chairs or door wedges.
- Stay away from doors and windows and get as low to the floor as possible.
- DO NOT huddle together, because it makes an easier target.
- Turn off lights and silence your cell phone.
- Call 911 and provide your name, specific room/building location and description/location of shooter.
- If outdoors, move away from the building where it appears the shooting noise is occurring.
- Use buildings, shrubs and any kind of cover or natural obstruction to shield you from view of the shooter during your escape.
- Try to avoid crossing wide open areas in making your evacuation from the area.
- When evacuating, assist individuals with limited mobility, impairments and anyone who is injured to the best of your ability.
Fight | Take action to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter | Last resort to be used only when your life is in imminent danger.
- Sometimes fighting may be your first and only option.
- Attempt to incapacitate or disrupt the actions of the shooter.
- Act with physical aggression toward the shooter.
- Use items at your disposal such as fire extinguishers, chairs or other objects to throw at the shooter if possible.
- Call 911 when safe to do so.
Bomb Threat
A bomb threat is generally defined as a verbal or written threat to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, injuries or loss of life whether or not such a device actually exists.
Two main reasons someone may call with a bomb threat:
If a bomb threat is received by phone:
If you Find a Suspicious or Unattended Item:
If you see something that is suspicious, out of place, or doesn't look right, say something. A suspicious item is any item such as a bag, package, vehicle, etc. that is reasonably believed to contain explosives, an improvised explosive device (IED) or other hazardous material that requires a bomb technician and/or specialized equipment to further evaluate it. Examples that could indicate a bomb include unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible bomb-like components, and unusual sounds, vapors, mists or odors. Generall speaking, anything that is hidden, obviously suspicious, and not typical (HOT) should be deemed suspicious. In addition, potential indicators for a bomb are threats, placement and proximity of the item to people and valuable assets.
Evacuation Procedures for Campus-Wide Bomb Threats:
Two main reasons someone may call with a bomb threat:
- The person knows of an explosive device that is in place and wants to minimize injuries.
- The person wants to create an environment of panic/confusion or to interrupt normal campus/building functions.
If a bomb threat is received by phone:
- Remain calm and keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.
- Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information.
- If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the authorities or, as soon as the caller hangs up, immediately notify them yourself from a different phone.
- DO NOT hang up the line from which you received the threat. If your phone has a display, copy the numbers and/or letters on the window display.
- Complete the Bomb Threat Procedures Checklist immediately. Write down as much detail as you can remember.
- Try to get and use exact words. Immediately upon termination of the call, DO NOT HANG UP, but from a different phone, contact authorities immediately with information and await further instructions.
- Call Campus Police at 501.882.8851.
- Handle the handwritten note as minimally as possible.
- Do not delete an email message.
If you see something that is suspicious, out of place, or doesn't look right, say something. A suspicious item is any item such as a bag, package, vehicle, etc. that is reasonably believed to contain explosives, an improvised explosive device (IED) or other hazardous material that requires a bomb technician and/or specialized equipment to further evaluate it. Examples that could indicate a bomb include unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible bomb-like components, and unusual sounds, vapors, mists or odors. Generall speaking, anything that is hidden, obviously suspicious, and not typical (HOT) should be deemed suspicious. In addition, potential indicators for a bomb are threats, placement and proximity of the item to people and valuable assets.
- Remain calm.
- DO NOT touch, tamper with or move the package, bag or item.
- Notify authorities immediately.
- Notify your supervisor, manager or administrator.
- Call 911 or your local law enforcement if no supervisor is available.
- Explain why it appears suspicious.
- Follow instructions. Supervisors and/or law enforcement will assess the situation and provide guidance regarding shelter-in-place or evacuation
- If no guidance is provided and you feel you are in immediate danger, calmly evacuate the area. Distance and protective cover are the best ways to reduce injury from a bomb.
- Be aware. There could be other threats or suspicious items.
Evacuation Procedures for Campus-Wide Bomb Threats:
- Evacuation orders are to be disseminated via the Vanguard Emergency Alert Notification System.
- DO NOT activate the building fire alarm system to achieve evacuation.
- Remain calm while acting quickly.
- Promptly secure equipment, etc. in safe shutdown condition before leaving.
- Spread the word of the evacuation order to others as you exit the building.
- Remember to take personal belongings with you, such as backpacks, purses, car keys, etc.
- Pedestrians should exit the campus by the shortest route.
- Exit campus as directed in the Vanguard Emergency Alert Notification. You may use your vehicle to leave campus unless directed otherwise in the emergency notification message.
- Do not call 911 unless there is an immediate, life-threatening emergency.
- Monitor ASU-Beebe media messaging for regular updates on the emergency situation and information on returning to campus.
Concerning Behavior
Often times after a tragedy, people come forward with information and observations that, in retrospect, may have signaled a larger issue. This information when viewed collectively may be helpful in preventing tragic events and initiating assistance to an individual. ASU-Beebe is committed to a proactive approach. As a member of the campus community, if you observe any behavior that causes concern, please go tell somebody and provide detailed information.
If you see something, say something. Everyone plays a role in our campus community. It's easy to be distracted during our daily routines such as going to work, class or about your day. If you see something that doesn't seem quite right, say something.
Recognize the signs of suspicious activity. Suspicious activity is any observed behavior that may indicate pre-operational planning associated with terrorism-related crime.
Remember. Factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity are not suspicious. A cornerstone of the DHS mission is ensuring that people’s civil rights and civil liberties are not diminished by our security efforts, activities and programs. As such, the DHS “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign encourages the public to report only suspicious behavior and situation, rather than one’s appearance to authorities.
Mental Health Crisis
There are mental health crisis consequences to every emergency that occurs. ASU-Beebe has resources and partners available to assist with post-traumatic stress in all situations. A mental health crisis exists when an individual is threatening harm to themselves or others, or may be out of touch with reality. A psychotic break may be manifested by hallucinations or uncontrollable behavior.If a mental health crisis occurs on campus:
- Monday through Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Student Life | 501.882.4491
- After hours | Campus Police | 501.882.8851
- In a life-threatening emergency situation immediately call 911 or notify Campus Police and provide your name and location so officers can respond to the situation. Campus Police will notify mental health resources when necessary.
- Persons experiencing a severe mental health crisis should go to the nearest hospital emergency room. ASU-Beebe staff and personnel are trained to assist students with social, emotional and academic concerns in a sensitive, caring and confidential manner.
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- The Trevor Project: 866.488.7386 or text START to 678678. A national 24-hour, toll-free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.4673.
Suspicious Letter or Package
If you receive a suspicious letter or package:
For a bomb:
- Do NOT handle.
- Don't shake or bump.
- Isolate immediately.
- Don't open, smell or taste.
- Treat it as suspect.
- Call 911 or Campus Police at 501.882.8851.
- Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
- Have no return address or a return address that can't be verified as legitimate.
- Marked with restrictive endorsements such as "Personal," "Confidential," or "Do Not X-ray".
- Protruding wires or aluminum foil, strange odors or stains.
- Show a city or state in the postmark that doesn't match the return address.
- Unusual weight given their size or are lopsided or oddly shaped.
- Marked with threatening language.
- Have inappropriate or unusual labeling.
- Have excessive postage or packaging material, such as masking tape and string.
- Have misspellings of common words.
- Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated.
- Have incorrect titles or titles without a name.
- Not addressed to a specific person.
- Have handwritten or poorly typed addresses.
For a bomb:
- Evacuate immediately.
- Call 911.
- Shield yourself from the object.
- Limit exposure and do NOT handle.
- Evacuate the area and call 911.
- Isolate and do NOT handle.
- Call 911.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Clear and isolate the contaminated area. Do not touch or disturb anything.
- Call Campus Police at 501.882.8851.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Identify individuals who may have been exposed to the material.
- Do not leave the premises until dismissed by authorities.