Students can view how general education courses transfer from and to the various Arkansas public colleges and universities with the Arkansas Department of Higher Education's Course Transfer System (ACTS). Using this information, students, parents, and school personnel can select an institution from the list provided and view how courses transfer. Some majors will have different requirements and may substitute courses for their programs. The Course Transfer System may be found by clicking the button. Most institutions require a letter grade of "C" or better for transfer.
Below you will find a list of the high schools in our area that we have partnered with for the Concurrent Enrollment Program and a list of the courses available at that high school.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
College Algebra - MATH 1023
A detailed study of functions and their applications, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics also include systems of equations and matrices.
Prerequisite: Acceptable ACT score OR Accuplacer score.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 1103
Educational Technology - EDU 2013
An introduction to the use of technology for the classroom teacher. Emphasis will be on the computer as an instructional, administrative, and information-gathering tool.
Introduction to Teaching - EDU 2023
An introduction to the teaching profession. Provides a basic understanding of the foundations of the education system in the United States and the role of teachers. NOTE: The course requires 30 hours of observation and directed experiences in a public school.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
College Algebra - MATH 1023
A detailed study of functions and their applications, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics also include systems of equations and matrices.
Prerequisite: Acceptable ACT score OR Accuplacer score.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 1103
Spanish I - SPAN 1013
Designed to teach the Spanish language and culture as complementary facets of a single reality. Students will learn authentic, un-simplified Spanish and use it in the context of actual communication. Spanish I is designed as a foundation course for students who intend to focus on careers based on a primary or secondary use of the language.
ACT Course Number: SPAN 1013
Spanish II - SPAN 1023
Spanish II is a continuation of Spanish I.
Prerequisite: Spanish 1013
ACT Course Number: SPAN 1023
A study of elementary statistics for students in the biological, physical or social sciences.
Prerequisites: Math 1023 with a "C" or better.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 2103
Educational Technology - EDU 2013
An introduction to the use of technology for the classroom teacher. Emphasis will be on the computer as an instructional, administrative, and information-gathering tool.
Introduction to Teaching - EDU 2023
An introduction to the teaching profession. Provides a basic understanding of the foundations of the education system in the United States and the role of teachers. NOTE: The course requires 30 hours of observation and directed experiences in a public school.
A survey of world civilizations from prehistory to 1660.
A survey of world civilizations from 1660 to the present.
A survey of world civilizations from 1660 to the present.
The United States since 1876 - HIST 2773
A survey of changing social, political, and economic policies in the United States from reconstruction to the present.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
Concord students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
Lonoke students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.
A scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes. Introduction to psychology covers a wide range of human behavior.
ACTS Course Number: PSYC 1103
College Algebra - MATH 1023
A detailed study of functions and their applications, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics also include systems of equations and matrices.
Prerequisite: Acceptable ACT score OR Accuplacer score.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 1103
Applied Statistics - MATH 2233
A study of elementary statistics for students in the biological, physical, or social sciences.
Prerequisite: Quantitative Literacy (MATH 1043) or College Algebra (MATH 1023) with a grade of “C” or better.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 2103
Mt. Vernon Enola students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
World Literature to 1660 - ENG 2003
A study of literature from antiquity through the Renaissance, reflecting the major philosophical, religious and literary trends of these time periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 1013
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 2113
Pangburn students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
College Algebra - MATH1023
A detailed study of functions and their applications, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics also include systems of equations and matrices.
Prerequisite: Acceptable ACT score OR Accuplacer score.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 1103
Introduction to Psychology - PSY 2013
A scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes. Introduction to psychology covers a wide range of human behavior.
ACTS Course Number: PSYC 1103
Prerequisite: MATH 1023 with a grade of “C” or better.
A survey of the development of social, political, and economic institutions in the United States from the age of exploration and discovery to reconstruction.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
The United States since 1876 - HIST 2773
A survey of changing social, political, and economic policies in the United States from reconstruction to the present.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
World Civilization to 1660 - HIST 1013
A survey of world civilizations from prehistory to 1660.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 1113
World Civilization since 1660 - HIST 1023
A survey of world civilizations from 1660 to the present.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 1123.
Freshman English I - ENG 1003
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: ENG 1003 with a grade of C or higher.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
World Literature to 1660 - ENG 2003
A study of literature from antiquity through the Renaissance, reflecting the major philosophical, religious, and literary trends of these time periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 1013
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 2113
World Literature since 1660 - ENG 2013
A survey of literature from the Enlightenment to Contemporary times, reflecting the major philosophical and religious trends of these time periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 1013
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 2123
Riverview students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.
Instruction in expository essay form, structure, and style. Students must earn a final letter grade of C or better in ENG 1003 (Freshman English I) to enroll in ENG 1013 (Freshman English II).
Prerequisite: ACT scores of 19 or better in reading and English.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1013
Freshman English II - ENG 1013
A continuation of ENG 1003 with the addition of research papers and literary genres.
Prerequisite: An earned grade of at least a C in ENG 1003.
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 1023
The United States to 1876 - HIST 2763
A survey of the development of social, political, and economic institutions in the United States from the age of exploration and discovery to reconstruction.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
The United States since 1876 - HIST 2773
A survey of changing social, political, and economic policies in the United States from reconstruction to the present.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
World Civilization to 1660 - HIST 1013
A survey of world civilizations from prehistory to 1660.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 2123
World Civilization since 1660 - HIST 1023
A survey of world civilizations from 1660 to the present.
ACTS Course Number: HIST 1123
World Literature to 1660 - ENG 2003
A study of literature from antiquity through the Renaissance, reflecting the major philosophical, religious and literary trends of these time periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 1013
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 2113
World Literature since 1660 - ENG 2013
A survey of literature from the Enlightenment to Contemporary times, reflecting the major philosophical and religious trends of these time periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 1013
ACTS Course Number: ENGL 2123
College Algebra - MATH 1023
A detailed study of functions and their applications, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics also include systems of equations and matrices.
Prerequisite: Acceptable ACT score OR Accuplacer score.
ACTS Course Number: MATH 1103
Educational Technology - EDU 2013
An introduction to the use of technology for the classroom teacher. Emphasis will be on the computer as an instructional, administrative, and information-gathering tool.
Introduction to Teaching - EDU 2023
An introduction to the teaching profession. Provides a basic understanding of the foundations of the education system in the United States and the role of teachers. NOTE: The course requires 30 hours of observation and directed experiences in a public school.
Child Growth - EDU 1103
This course is the study of environmental and hereditary effects on the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and sociolinguistic development of typically and atypically developing elementary grad children of diverse cultural backgrounds within and outside the United States. The students will be introduced to ways to observe and evaluate children’s development and recognize possible delays in development. The students will study major theories of development and learning. The practical application of theory is provided through various hands-on experiences and observations.
Searcy students may take general education college courses that are part of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) and non-general education courses taught as part of an ASU-Beebe certificate program listed in the current college catalog.