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Development / Major Gifts

Development / Major Gifts


The purpose of the Foundation is to support the college through development, endowments and stewardship of private gifts. Whether through an annual, endowment or planned gift, ASU-Beebe appreciates your heart of giving.

Give to the Annual Fund

Make donations to ASU-Beebe online through a secure form at 

Privately Funded Scholarships

Scholarships have the unique ability to change lives. An investment in scholarships is an investment in our most valuable resource at ASU-Beebe, its students. The return on your investment is immeasurable and upholds the future of our college, state and nation for generations to come.

Privately funded scholarships are an amazing way to give back. Any student that has been fully admitted to ASU-Beebe is eligible to apply for a variety of privately funded scholarships administered by Arkansas State University-Beebe and the ASU System Foundation, Inc. Many of the scholarships offered are for both fall and spring semesters, and some can be renewed for additional semesters, provided renewal criteria is met. Currently all available scholarships are for full-time students and require evidence of scholastic achievement and/or outstanding ability in the area of the award. Scholarships vary in amounts and duration of award, and are typically awarded based on availability of funds. All privately funded scholarship awards are for ASU-Beebe on any of ts four campuses. 

To Establish a New Scholarship: Scholarships may be need-based, merit-based or a combination of both, and they may be designated to any academic area on campus. They may be established as an award with a minimal annual investment or endowed at any level $25,000 and above. We will work with you on naming the fund and designing the award criteria. However you craft your scholarship, you can have confidence in knowing that the recipients will be deserving students who have the ambition to succeed at the Arkansas State University-Beebe and beyond. To establish a scholarship, contact the Office of Development at or call 501.882.8855.
ASUB Development Council
Dr. Hazel Dickey | Chair 
Cathy Eoff | Vice Chair
Lee Ann Burrow | Secretary
Holli Browning
Hugh Burge
Tara Cathey
Debbie Elgen
Clay Goff
Laiken Gulley
Andy Hall
John Hayes
Robin Hayes
Jamie Mobley
Butch Rice
Amy Williams
Dewitt Yingling
Bill Hanley

ASU-Beebe Development Council Honorary Member
Paul Ford 
Garth Martin

ASUB @Heber Springs Development Council
Brett Graham | Chair
Ali Sugg | Vice Chair
Howard Chapin
Mike Gibson
Kasey Griffin
Ginger Harper
Steve Lawrence
Pat McNair
Dianne Tiner Logan

ASUB Liaisons for Development Councils
Andrea Cole | Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
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Contact Info

Andrea Cole | Associate VP of Institutional Advancement
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